Business Liability

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Do you need business liability insurance in Australia?

Running a business can be hard work and if you sell products and/or deal with the public – it’s not compulsory but, yes you need business liability.
Business liability or business liability insurance is generally referred to as public liability insurance and the team at have spent many years helping 1000’s of people like yourself get cover for your business at a reasonable price. We can offer instant online quotes for over 500 occupations as well as we can also cover most occupations that we cannot quote online.
Typically, things we can quote online are:
• Tradesmen
• Office based risks
• Consultants
• Transport workers

So what does your business liability insurance cover?

Basically the cover is for 3rd parties, if you are responsible for injury to a 3rd party. Liability also covers you for property damage, to give an example of these 2 things:
• 3rd Party injury – you leave a floor wet and a client slips over and injures themselves and decides to sue you.
• 3rd Party property damage – you go to a client’s business and accidentally cause a fire and you are found legally liable to repair the damage.
In most circumstance when claims come through, they are only worth a few thousand dollars, but we have seen claims as high $3 million so you can never truly know what is around the corner.

So what do you need to do to get a quote done up?

We typically need a few bits of information to get a quote done up like:

• Your state and postcode
• Your occupation
• Your turnover
• The level of liability you require

Once you have this information you can go into our online rater and get quotes done up instantly for over 500 occupations.

If you need any information, feel free to call us at 1300 542245 or click the button above to go to our small business liability rater.